Thursday, June 11, 2009

Pirate Stuff

Mom!  Where's my pirate stuff??!

It's on the table by the door.  (Time passes).

Mom!  Where's my pirate stuff??!

David, I told you it's on the table by the door.  (Time passes).

MOM!  Where's.  My.  Pirate.  Stuff??????!!

David.  I've told you twice already, it's on the table by the door.  (Yet more time passes).

Mom, I've looked everywhere and I can't find my pirate stuff.

David.  Where did I tell you it was...?

On the table.

What table?

The door table.

So, did you look there??

No.  I did not.


  1. Hee! Hee! Such an oblivious little buccaneer. My students are taking an exam right now, so bad teacher that I am, I'm reading your fabulous blog. I love this photo of David.

  2. And this is the same little buccaneer who, the night before, swiffered the kitchen floor and then went over it with a paper towel to make SURE it was clean. He's going to be some lucky lady's cross to bear.

  3. Although, the thought of a super-clean kitchen floor is pretty wonderful . . .

  4. Excellent! Here's a recurring exchange in our house:

    ME: [Kid X], find your [shoes, backpack, batting gloves, whatever]!

    { repeat 2 to 99 times }

    KID X: But I don't know where it is.

    ME (steam coming out of ears): I said FIND it. FIND, FIND, FIND it. Don't you know what FIND means?

    KID X: But I don't know where it is.
